Thursday, July 1, 2010


Anyone reading this probably knows that I have long been thinking about getting a tattoo on my back (no tramp stamps here, a piece of art), but that I have been straining to pick the perfect subject. For a long time I thought I would get a tree that would stretch from my tailbone up to my shoulder blades, but I couldn't think of a way that I would want it to sit, and picking the perfect tree is very difficult, there are too many pretty types to choose from.

This trip has inspired me to have something a bit more feminine, a little smaller - still natural, still in black, still purely aesthetic and probably not that realistic in appearance. A representation of orchids and leaves, twining up my spine.

I think if I was a flower I would be an orchid - they can be a little sensitive and don't like to be kept indoors, but give them light and air a tree to cling on to and they flourish and their blooms last for a very long time. I once had one last almost six months with the same flowers - it was pretty amazing. A bright burst of pink.

Plus I've heard that they re-bloom if you coat them in cinnamon....can we say delicious?