Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Court, Futbol, Dinner, Drinks

....and I will tell you all about it later, if I don't pass out cold like I did last night. VAMOS ESPAÑA!!!

Hanna has become training nazi at the climbing gym. "Meagan, vamos a hacer los abs! Solo 2 mas! Ahora 30 mas!". Girl is strong, and so tiny! But we spent the rest of our time playing "Strip poker" (No clothes were lost, there was a child present) - a game where you climb across the big wall and then when you get to the end you get to take away two holds until there is nothing left for people to use. I got my ass kicked, per usual...but someday... someday far, far, far in the future, I will win one of these games.

And if Manuel reads this he will laugh at me and say that it is never going to happen. But at least I will have abs of steel. (P.S. Meme - if you do happen to read this, laughing at someone is not the way to get them to spend their money and their winter break on a trip to go climb mountains with you in Mexico.)

So that is the story of why I cannot get out of bed this morning even though I have to be at work in 40 minutes. Help.